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Privacy Policy
1. Collection of personal information
Personal information is information about an individual, and information that can identify a specific individual by name, date of birth, and other descriptions contained in the information (can be easily compared with other information, Including those that can identify a specific individual.)
Genio (hereinafter referred to as "our service") may collect personal information.
We will disclose the purpose of use of personal information.

2.Purpose of use of personal information
The Company may use the collected personal information for the following purposes.

  • To provide auctions, shopping malls, content and other information provision services, and system usage services
  • For the sale, solicitation of sales, shipment, and provision of services of products, etc. (including travel, insurance and other financial products; the same shall apply hereinafter) of the Company and third parties
  • For advertisement or publicity of products, etc. of the Company and third parties (including sending direct mail and sending e-mails)
  • For billing and billing calculation
  • For identity verification and authentication services
  • For after-sales service, inquiries, and complaints
  • To conduct surveys
  • To conduct sweepstakes and campaigns
  • To provide affiliates and point services
  • For research, statistics and analysis of marketing data
  • To provide payment services and logistics services
  • For the development of new services and new features
  • For system maintenance and troubleshooting
  • For posting member description information in the auction service
  • Other purposes specified separately for each of our services

We will jointly use personal data as follows.
- Items of personal data to be jointly used
Image and video information, voice, date of birth, nickname, profile, comment, account ID, content of report, and terminal identification information that can identify the customer

- Purpose of use For research, development and provision of new products, new services and new functions
For academic research and presentations

- Name of person responsible for managing personal data to be jointly used
MTB Inc.

3. Provision of personal information
The Company may provide personal information to third parties in the following cases.

  • In the auction service, both the exhibitor and the successful bidder are notified by e-mail of the successful bidder's decision, the successful bid price, and the e-mail address of the other party. When making it possible to view the corporate name, address, telephone number, representative name and contact person name (in the case of a corporation)
  • When consent is obtained from the individual
  • When disclosure of personal information is requested by a court, public prosecutor's office, police, tax office, bar association, or an organization with authority equivalent to these
  • When disclosing to insurance companies for insurance claims
  • When an auction member uses a transaction support tool prescribed by our service and discloses it to an exhibitor or a successful bidder
  • When disclosing to financial institutions, credit card companies, collection agencies, or other businesses that perform settlements or act as agents in order to settle fees or other amounts payable to the Company or the exhibitor
  • When all or part of our business is outsourced to a third party
  • When disclosing to a person who has a confidentiality obligation to us
  • When necessary to exercise our rights
  • When disclosing to the successor of the business at the time of business succession due to a merger, business transfer, or other reason
  • When permitted by the Personal Information Protection Law and other laws and regulations
  • Other cases specified separately for each of our services

4. Handling of Personal Information on Linked Websites
Links to external sites may be posted on our website or in our e-mail newsletters.
We cannot be held responsible for any personal information registered on such external sites, as we do not have jurisdiction over such information.
If you register your personal information on an external site, please check the privacy policy of that site.

5. System for protecting personal information
At MCC, the Personal Information Management Committee determines policies regarding the handling of personal information and confirms the status of their operation.
Furthermore, a personal information management supervisor is assigned to the department responsible for managing personal information, and that person provides guidance on the appropriate management of personal information.
In addition, training on the protection of personal information is provided for new employees.

6. Updating the Privacy Policy
We may change our privacy policy from time to time.
Any significant changes to the privacy policy will be announced on the website.
Please check this page from time to time to ensure that you understand our privacy policy.

*A Request to Customers
Please be responsible for managing your ID and password.
In order to ensure the safety of our website, please do not post any personal information of others or yourself on our website.

7. Explanation and Disabling of Behaviorally-Targeted Advertising
Behaviorally targeted advertising" is advertising that analyzes a customer's behavior on the Site and delivers advertising that is likely to be of interest to that customer according to the customer's attributes and other factors.
In order to deliver advertisements that match the interests and concerns of our customers, we use cookies to obtain the browsing history, response history to advertisements, and service usage history (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Behavioral History Information") of customers who visit the "Site Name. (collectively, the "Advertising Service Providers") to provide the following advertising distribution services (collectively, the "Advertising Distribution Service Providers") The ads are distributed by the ad-serving service providers to the following ad-serving services (collectively, the "ad-serving service providers"), and are distributed within the site name and on various media in the ad-serving service's ad network.
The information on customers' behavioral history that is acquired and provided for the purpose of delivering behaviorally targeted advertisements is within the scope that does not identify individuals (i.e., it does not include names, addresses, telephone numbers, etc.). If you wish to disable such advertisements, please visit the opt-out page on the website of the ad-serving service provider listed below to disable the behavioral targeting advertisements. After setting to disable behavioral targeting ads, ads that are not based on behavioral targeting will be displayed. (It may take some time for the actual disabling setting to be reflected in the system.)