Purchase NFT
Purchase History
Unilevel Tree
Binary Map
Withdrawal Request
Member Information
Term of Use
This agreement stipulates the trading of NFT ("Non-Fungible Token" issued using block chain technology. The same shall apply hereinafter) between Genio (hereinafter referred to as "our service") and the purchaser. is. The purchaser shall fully understand the contents of this agreement and agree to the terms of use (hereinafter referred to as "this agreement") before executing NFT trading and using NFT.

Article 1 (Buying and selling)
The Company will convert virtual currency reservation tickets (hereinafter referred to as "works") into NFTs (referring to issuing NFTs linked to works. The same shall apply hereinafter) by the method prescribed by the Company. (hereinafter referred to as "this NFT") will be sold to the purchaser, and the purchaser will purchase it. However, it is not the user's property stipulated in Article 63-11, Paragraph 2 of the Fund Settlement Act, but the Company's separate management obligation and priority payment stipulated in Article 63-19-2, Paragraph 1 of the same Act. It shall be excluded from the target assets.

- Details of this NFT
NFT issued by Genio

Article 2 (Consideration)
The purchaser shall pay the Company the crypto asset USDT or Japanese Yen designated by the Company as the price for this NFT.

Article 3 (Delivery)
1. The Company shall deliver the NFT to the purchaser by sending the NFT product to the wallet address specified by the purchaser within 10 days after confirming the payment.
2 The purchaser shall agree to the technical specifications of the NFT and other matters related to the nature of the NFT (including matters related to the blockchain and wallet used for its management, technical or contractual restrictions on transactions including utilization and resale, hereinafter referred to as "technical Specifications, etc.”) may differ depending on the individual NFT.

Article 4 (Prohibitions)
When using this NFT, the purchaser shall not engage in any of the following acts.
(1) Acts that infringe the intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, honor, or other rights or interests of the Company, other users of this NFT, or other third parties (directly or indirectly (Including acts that provoke.)
(2) Acts related to money laundering, etc. or similar acts, acts related to criminal acts, or acts contrary to public order and morals.
(3) Sending information containing computer viruses or other harmful computer programs.
(4) Acts of falsifying information that can be used in relation to these Terms
(5) Acts that fall under the double transfer of this NFT or acts that attempt to do so
(6) Other acts of using these Terms for purposes different from those intended by these Terms
(7) Acts that may interfere with the business operated by the Company
(8) The following acts for the purpose of changing the price of NFT
・Disseminate to an unspecified number of people unreasonable groundless facts that the purchaser has no direct experience or knowledge of.
・Engaging in fraudulent acts using means that mislead others
・Doing words or actions that arouse the gambling spirit of others.
・Using violence or intimidation
(9) Acts of using fraudulent means, plans, or tricks in relation to the exchange of NFTs, etc., or making false or misleading representations of important matters.
(10) Acts of trading or attempting to trade under a name other than the principal's name, such as a fictitious name or another person's name
(11) Acts of reporting false or intentionally incorrect information to the Company
(12) Acts of using this NFT for gambling
(13)Acts of warehousing and listing illegal products
(14) Acts that violate or may violate laws and regulations
(15) Other acts that the Company deems inappropriate

Article 5 (Inspection)
1 When the purchaser receives this NFT by the method described in Article 3, it must inspect the operation of this NFT for any part that does not conform to this agreement within 3 days after receipt.
2 In the case stipulated in the preceding paragraph, if the purchaser finds a part that does not conform to the purpose of concluding this agreement in this NFT through the inspection pursuant to the provisions of the same paragraph, the purchaser must immediately notify the Company to that effect. It won't

Article 6 (timing of ownership transfer, etc.)
1 The ownership of the NFT under this Agreement shall be transferred by the Company to the purchaser at the time of delivery of the NFT.
2 The risk after delivering this NFT based on this agreement shall be borne by the purchaser.

Article 7 (Transfer of NFT)
1 After acquiring this NFT from our service, the purchaser shall be able to transfer it to a third party for a fee or free of charge through a sales site, etc., as the holder of this NFT.
2 In the case of the transfer set forth in the preceding paragraph, the purchaser shall impose on the third party the same obligations as in this agreement and have the third party accept all obligations as a purchaser under this agreement. The purchaser shall not transfer this NFT to a third party who does not accept all obligations similar to this agreement.
3. Upon the transfer under paragraph 1, the purchaser must pay the Company a royalty separately determined by the Company for the price the purchaser received from the transfer.

Article 8 (Intellectual Property Rights)
1 The purchaser shall retain all copyrights related to this NFT (including the rights specified in Articles 27 and 28), know-how, trademark rights, brands, names, elements constituting these, and other Confirm that all intellectual property rights (including rights, titles, interests, and other deliverables) (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Intellectual Property Rights") belong solely to our service. In addition, the purchaser shall not apply for or register a trademark, symbol, etc. that is identical or similar to the Trademark owned by the Company for any goods or services.

Article 9 (Non-guarantee)
1 The purchaser confirms that it does not guarantee that profits can be obtained by using this NFT for actual transactions. We do not guarantee that no loss will occur by using it for trading.
2 When the NFT conducts foreign exchange margin trading listed on a financial instruments exchange through a financial instruments business When conducting transactions, even if tools and programs for automatically conducting foreign exchange margin trading and functions associated with them are provided, the Company may I confirm that it is not intended to give advice or to make judgments.The start, execution and termination of foreign exchange margin trading are determined by the purchaser at his/her own responsibility, and the Company does not provide any guarantees. Even if the purchaser suffers damages or losses related to foreign exchange margin trading, we do not take any responsibility (The damages or losses listed in the following items are examples only. , Damage or loss subject to exemption is not limited to these.)
(1) Damage or loss related to transactions executed using or referring to this NFT.
(2) Damage or loss related to unexecuted transactions due to the non-availability of this NFT.
(3) Damage or loss based on market principles such as order priority and trading volume in trading.
3 Even if this NFT has a function to automatically conduct foreign exchange margin trading, the purchaser can stop the automatically conducted foreign exchange margin trading at his/her own discretion. The Company shall not be held responsible for any damage or loss caused by not stopping the service.
4 When the Company sells this NFT to the purchaser, it does not guarantee any of the matters listed in the following items.
(1) There is no nonconformity with regard to any software or equipment/equipment in this NFT.
(2) The NFT is safe, accurate, reliable, useful, and appropriate
(3) Conformity with the purchaser's specific purpose or use;
(4) The purchaser's use of the NFT does not infringe the intellectual property rights or other rights or interests of a third party, or that the use of the NFT does not require a third party's permission.
(5) The NFT can always be provided to the purchaser
(6) That this NFT operates reliably
5 Even if the purchaser suffers any damage or loss listed in the following items regarding the use of this NFT, the Company will not be held responsible for it.
(1) Damage or loss caused by a defect or failure of the NFT-using equipment, a failure or malfunction of the communication line, a decrease in communication speed, a delay in information transmission due to congestion, etc.
(2) Damage or loss due to defects such as error, deviation, stagnation, omission, interruption, termination, etc. of this NFT
(3) Damage or loss caused by loss of data or other information (including but not limited to those related to automated trading programs)
(4) Damage or loss due to the use of this NFT
(5) Acts of God, wars, riots, civil commotions, natural disasters, power outages, communication facility accidents, suspension of provision of external services such as cloud services, changes or emergency maintenance, enactment, revision or abolition of laws and other acts that are the responsibility of the seller. Damage or loss due to the occurrence of reasons that cannot be
6 The purchaser shall respond and resolve any disputes, troubles, complaints, etc. arising between the purchaser and a third party regarding the purchaser's use of this NFT at its own responsibility.

Article 10 (Confidentiality)
1 The purchaser shall not use the confidential information for purposes other than the purpose of use of this NFT, and shall not disclose or leak it to a third party without our prior written consent.
2 Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, information that proves that the purchaser falls under any of the following items shall not be included in confidential information.
(1) Information that was publicly known before being disclosed or obtained.
(2) Information already possessed by oneself before being disclosed or obtained.
(3) Information that becomes publicly known after being disclosed or obtained for reasons not attributable to the Company.
(4) Information obtained by own development after being disclosed or obtained, without relying on that information.
(5) Information legally obtained from a third party with legitimate authority after being disclosed or obtained without an obligation of confidentiality.

Article 11 (Prohibition of Storage and Reproduction of Confidential Documents)
1 The purchaser shall clearly distinguish confidential documents from other materials or goods and store them with the care of a prudent manager.
2 The purchaser shall not be able to reproduce or modify all or part of the confidential document without the prior written consent of the Company.
3 When the purchaser receives a request from the Company, the purchaser shall promptly return the confidential document to the Company or destroy it according to the instructions of the Company.

Article 12 (Disputes with Third Parties)
If the Purchaser finds that the Intellectual Property Rights have been infringed by a third party, the Purchaser shall immediately notify the Company of the infringement and follow the Company's instructions to take necessary measures to protect the Company's rights. I shall teach.

Article 13 (Cancellation)
If the other party violates any of the provisions of this agreement and the other party does not correct this despite a reasonable period of time, the Company or the purchaser may shall be able to remove.

Article 14 (Transfer of rights and obligations, etc.)
1. The Purchaser shall not assign or transfer its status under this Agreement or any rights or obligations under this Agreement to a third party (including cases resulting from a merger or company split) without the Company's prior written consent. , pledged as collateral, or otherwise disposed of.
2 If the Company transfers the business related to these Terms to another party (including mergers, company splits, or any other cases where the business is transferred), the Company shall, along with the transfer, change its contractual status based on these Terms, Rights, obligations, registration information of members and all other information related to members acquired by the Company through these Terms may be transferred to the assignee of the transfer, and the member shall agree in advance to such transfer.

Article 15 (Severability)
Even if any provision or part of these Terms is determined to be invalid or unenforceable under laws and regulations, the remaining provisions of these Terms and any part thereof that are determined to be invalid or unenforceable The remaining part shall remain in full force and effect. shall be amended to the extent necessary to ensure the intent and legally and economically equivalent effect of the invalid or unenforceable clause or part thereof.

Article 16 (Agreed Jurisdiction)
In the event of a legal dispute regarding this Agreement, the Company and the Purchaser shall
The district (summary) court shall be the exclusive jurisdictional court of first instance.

Article 17 (Good faith negotiation)
Matters not stipulated in this agreement will be determined after consultation with our purchasers.

Established November 20, 2023